
The Joyful Fifty Days


In the Orthodox Tradition, the Holy “50” days are the days from the Feast of Resurrection to the Feast of Pentecost, including the Feast of Ascension in between. These are three out of the seven Major Feasts (they are called Major because in them Christ does something that pertains to our Salvation. In the Coptic Orthodox Tradition, they are grouped into a period called the ‘Holy 50’ because Christ spent 40 days with his disciples after He resurrected (Acts 1:3) teaching them about the things that pertain to the kingdom of God. Then from days 40-49 spans the period of The Feast of Ascension (Acts 1:9). Then, the last day, day 50, is the day of the Feast of Pentecost, which commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples in the upper room of St. Mark’s house as recorded in Acts 2:1-31. Hence, it’s called Pentecost (literally "the fiftieth day" in Greek), because it occurs on the 50th day after Christ’s Resurrection.

The Holy Resurrection​

Easter is the greatest and earliest festival of the church, at which Christians celebrate the anniversary of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and His victory over death. The observance of Easter started as early as the apostolic era. Writing to the Corinthians, probably at or near the Passover season, St. Paul declares this feast in 1 Cor. 5:7-8.

In the course of time, the Holy Fathers called it various names. For example, Justin Martyr (c. 100-165 AD) called it "the paschal feast." St. Cyril of Jerusalem (315-386 AD) called it the "holy day of salvation." Gregory of Nazianzus, also known as Gregory the Theologian (323-389 AD) called it "the queen of days, the feast of feasts, and the solemnity of solemnities."

During the first three centuries, there was divergence among the churches about the date of celebrating Christ's resurrection. In Egypt, Patriarch Demetrius I (189-231 AD) devised the Epact method of calculating the exact day of Resurrection Sunday, so that it would always follow the Jewish Passover, in close adherence to the first Resurrection. The difference was then settled in the Council of Nicaea (325 AD).

The celebration of the Liturgy starts late in the evening after Bright Saturday, and ends in the early hours of Sunday, in conformity with the New Testament (Mk. 16:2, 9; Lk. 24:1; Jn. 20:1). An impressive feature of this service is the enactment of the Resurrection. The clergy and deacons go in procession three times around the altar, carrying the icon of the Resurrection, banners, crosses, candles, and censers, and then, coming out, they go thrice around the church singing in Coptic and English the Resurrection Parallax.

Finally, the procession enters the sanctuary again and goes around the altar once. Thus, it will be noted that the number of circuits made in the procession is seven, symbolical of the seven circuits made by Joshua, son of Nun, around the gates of the city of Jericho, which finally fell down. This also alludes to the collapse of the gates of Hades upon the death and the resurrection of Christ. 

The Holy Ascension​

This day commemorates the ascension of Christ to heaven from the Mount of Olives. Luke 24:50-53 seems to imply that the Ascension occurred during the evening of the day of the Resurrection, but it is stated in Acts 1:3 and Mark 16:19 that this event took place in presence of the apostles forty days later. Further implicit references to this are found in John 6:62 and 22:17; Ephesians 4:8-10; Hebrews 4:14 and 7:26; 1 Peter 3:22; and 1 Timothy 3:16.

This feast is solemnly celebrated by the Copts on the fifth Thursday after Easter Sunday, that is, the fortieth day after Christ's Resurrection. It is always accompanied by the same liturgy as the Resurrection, and a procession here commemorates the journey of Jesus to the Mount of Olives from which he went to Heaven.


This major feast in the Coptic Church commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection (Acts 2:1-4). This was in fulfillment of the promise made by Jesus before His crucifixion: "The counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you" (Jn. 14:26).

Saint Mark explicitly mentions the promise to enable them "to speak in new tongues" (Mk.16:17). These and similar pledges were all fulfilled ten days after the Ascension, that is, fifty days after the Resurrection, equivalent to the Jewish Feast of Weeks that occurred on the fiftieth day after the Passover (Dt. 16).

In the Acts of the Apostles, the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples is described as "tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each of them" (Acts 2:3). The Coptic translation of the Bible clearly distinguishes between the term "Holy Spirit" when it is used to indicate the Hypostasis and the term when it indicates the gift or grace bestowed upon those who are blessed by the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual Application 

This entire period is fifty days of joy, so there are no fasts or prostrations. It is a unique stretch in the Coptic year in how the church worships due to the reduced asceticism. But the church teaches us how to also grow without these practices and to focus on praising which is the highest form of worship.

We have gone through the journey of asceticism, self-control, and tears of repentance. It is now time to rise up in the spirit and rejoice in our resurrection with Him. Actually, this journey teaches us to not lose hope during the long stretch of toiling in repentance as it ends in the return to Christ and the joy of victory and resurrection. A feasting time is not a break from being spiritual; this period is a time of praising our Savior, enjoying our restoration to Him, and growing in our relationship and closeness to Him.

Follow along with the Sunday gospel readings for the theme of each week, starting with the first Sunday after the Resurrection, as we journey throughout this season and grow in familiarity with our God in His glory:

1. My Lord and my God - Thomas Sunday

2. The Bread of Life

3. The Living Water

4. The Light of the World

5. The Way, the Truth, and the Life

6. The King of Peace

7. The Comforter

The Feast of the Holy Resurrection - Days 1-39

"For every time you eat of this bread and drink of this cup, you proclaim My death, confess My Resurrection, and remember Me till I come.” (1 Cor. 11:26)

During this period, Christ remains with us on earth for forty days. This is a time to contemplate on the joy of being close to the Bridegroom in His glory. It is not a time to linger in sin but rather to rise up quickly when we fall and utilize the salvation that has been freely given to us. This is a time of renewal, living a new life as Christians.

The church celebrates the divine liturgy weekly on Sunday mornings in observation of His glorious Resurrection. Every time we take communion we celebrate our union with the Bridegroom. Therefore, the church tradition is to spend the night before the liturgy praising in anticipation for the Heavenly Wedding to take place on Sunday morning.

Spiritual exercise:

This is a time of praising. Dedicate this period to increasing in praises to God. Become more familiar with the Vespers Praises, Midnight Praises, and Morning Praises. This is not a period where we should abandon all restraint. Although we are not restricting the types of food we eat, the church replaces fasting and prostrations with praises and frequent celebration of the Divine Liturgies. Be cautious to still practice self-control and not fall into gluttony. Fasting is simply a tool to reach Christ, our Goal; now we have the Bridegroom with us. Often times we are closest to God in tribulations and in times of need, but we then quickly drift away once we are satisfied. Utilize this time to learn how to reach the heights of love and a deeper relationship with Him after the return. Increase in knowledge of Him by growing in your bible readings, and increase in the time you spend with Him through your daily quiet time early in the morning.

Thomas Sunday - Day 7 (First Sunday after Resurrection)

"Jesus said to him, "Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29)

Thomas Sunday is one of the Minor Feasts of our Lord. The church places importance on this feast because believing in Christ and confessing His Holy Resurrection is essential to be saved. We should not consider this day as just another Sunday of the Holy 50 days. We should celebrate the revelation of Christ being resurrected, and we should believe and confess His Resurrection as a true event. Sometimes we could be passively practicing the seasons while having doubts deep down inside or not really considering the reality of the events. Without the Resurrection, we would still be in our sin. The belief in Christ's Resurrection was a necessary event for preaching salvation to the world. Therefore it was necessary for Him to reveal Himself to the believers so that they could go and preach this truth with a strong faith.

Spiritual exercise:

Examine your heart for any possible doubts that may exist. Research the strong evidence of the Resurrection by scholars such as William Lane Craig, a prominent Christian Apologist of our time who completed a doctorate degree in the historicity of the Resurrection. Although we haven't witnessed the Resurrection with our own eyes, through revelation from Christ we still believe. Ask the Lord to strengthen your faith in His saving Resurrection. The greeting "Christ is risen" (Khristos Anesti in Greek, Piekhristos Aftonf in Coptic), "Truly He is risen" (Alithos Anesti in Greek, Khen Omethmi Aftonf in Coptic) is shared among believers during this time. Rather than just saying this phrase as a way of saying hello, say it with a heart of confessing the truth of Christ's Resurrection. Look for opportunities to also go into the world and share your faith in this glorious event.

The Feast of the Holy Ascension - Days 40-49

“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables Him to bring everything under His control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like His glorious body.” (Phil. 3:20-21)

The ascension of Christ was a bodily ascension, because in His divinity He is everywhere and does not ascend or descend. As it says in the Liturgy of St. Gregory “And You ascended into the heavens in the flesh…”. This ascension is evidence of His divinity and of His glorified body that is not subject to physical laws. Christ performed this event before His disciples, which further strengthened their faith in Christ being the Son of God.

Christ's return to sitting at the right hand of the Father is often mentioned throughout this season. It means that He is returning to the power and glory of the Father; it is His place that He is worthy of. It is a restoration from, while being God, making Himself of no reputation since the time of His incarnation. This event is important for us because, just as Christ assuming the human nature broke the curse on humanity, the ascension of His glorified body also establishes the ascension of our glorified bodies at the end of days.

Spiritual exercise:

We fast not because we hate the body. In fact, spiritual exercises are how we incorporate the body with the spirit to manifest our faith and love to God. For this very reason, the body also deserves to be glorified with the spirit at the General Resurrection when we are taken to Heaven with Him. Just because we are in a time of joy and rather than focusing on asceticism does not mean we should stop involving the body in the manifestation of our spiritual relationship with God. Involve your flesh with frequent liturgies and praises to keep it pure for the end of days.

The Feast of Pentecost - The 50th Day

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me” (Acts 1:8)

 The feast of Pentecost is the feast of the Holy Spirit. As Christ ascended into heaven He tells His disciples not to fear because He will send down the Holy Spirit as their Comforter. Thus the Holy Spirit descended on the holy and pure apostles in the form of tongues of fire. Pentecost is considered the day that the Church was established. On this day we are filled with the Holy Spirit Who guides us, supports us, purifies us, and gives us strength. It is with the power of the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, that the disciples were able to go throughout the earth and bring the people to Him. Likewise, it is with the Holy Spirit that we too are given strength to continue renewing our spiritual lives and serve everyone in the world around us.

Spiritual exercise:

After we are reunited with Christ, we are taught that we cannot just sit in bliss and keep Him to ourselves. Christianity is a communal life and it is our duty to share Christ whom you keep in your heart. We have already received the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation with the Holy Mayroon oil, but here we are receiving strength from the Holy Spirit to carry the name of Christianity to all people through what we say and how we act as Christians. It was the Holy Spirit that spoke through the prophets. It is only by the Holy Spirit that anyone can serve and deliver Christ to others regardless of our own efforts. Pray that God would give you strength through His Holy Spirit in preparation for the Apostles Fast, a period where we focus more heavily on serving the world.


- During the entire Joyful 50 days, the church is dressed in white, and the festal tune is used

- There are no Wednesday and Friday fasts and no prostrations.

- The Synaxarium reading is skipped, as well as the audible mention of the names of those who departed after the Commemoration of the Saints in liturgy, as they focus on death while the church is instead focusing is on the Resurrected Christ.


- The hymn “All you heavenly hosts…” is chanted after the Acts reading, as the church calls on the angels to open the gates of Paradise so that Christ may enter with those who were in Hades.

- The hymn “Christ is Risen” is chanted as the Icon of the resurrected Christ enters the altar from outside along with the deacons. They circle the altar 3 times with the icon, representing the angels and those who were in Hades entering Paradise with Christ.

- Then the procession continues around the whole church 3 times, representing Christ remaining on Earth for 40 days along with the sighting of others who also rose from the dead.

- Then all of the deacons enter the altar to complete the procession with a final circle around the altar, representing Christ taking them along with Him back into Paradise.

- The Trisagion ends in “Who rose from the dead, have mercy upon us.” for all 3 verses.


- The procession during this period starts still with the icon of the resurrected Christ entering the altar with the deacons, and ends there after circling around the altar 3 times, representing Christ’s return to heaven after forty days.

- “And ascended into the heavens” is added onto the Trisagion for all 3 verses.


- A procession is done during Matins after the priest prays, "O God have mercy..."

- There is no procession during the divine liturgy as Christ has already ascended into heaven.

- Like the Ascension, “and ascended into the heavens” is added onto the Trisagion for all 3 verses.

- After the Divine Liturgy, the church prays the Prostration Prayers.



Verses of Cymbals

  • Christ our God: is risen from the dead: and He is the first fruit; of those who have fallen asleep.

  • Hail to His Resurrection: when He rose from the dead: in order to save us: from our sins.

  • Then He was placed in the tomb, according to the prophetic voices on the third day: Christ rose from the dead.

  • Hail to the Michael: the great Archangel: The Announcer of salvation: of the Resurrection.


  • Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, in one hypostasis, we worship Him and glorify Him.

  • O king of Peace, grant us Your peace, establish for us Your peace, and forgive us our sins.

  • Disperse the enemies, of the Church, and fortify her, that she may not be shaken forever.

  • Immanuel our God, is now in our midst, with the glory of His Father, and the Holy Spirit.

  • May He bless us all, and purify ours hearts, and heal the sicknesses, of our souls and bodies.

  • We worship You, O Christ, with Your good Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have risen and saved us. Have mercy on us.

Intercession Hymn

  • Through the intercessions of the trumpeter of the Resurrection, Michael the head of the heavenly, O Lord, grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

  • Through the prayers of the righteous and perfect men, Joseph and Nicodemus, and Saint Mary Magdalene: O Lord grant us the forgiveness of our sins.

Acts Response

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  • Hail to His Resurrection when He rose from the dead in order to save us from our sins.

All You Heavenly Orders

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  • All you heavenly orders, sing to our God with the melody of praise. Rejoice with is today with gladness, in the Resurrection of the Lord Christ.

  • Today the prophecies are fulfilled and the saying of the forefathers are realized by the Resurrection of the Lord from among the dead; He is the first fruit of those who have fallen asleep.

  • The Lord arose as one who sleeps, and as one who is sated with wine, He has granted us the everlasting joy, and freed us from bitter bondage.

  • He led Hades captive and crushed the brass door. He utterly broke the vars of iron and for us, exchanged punishment for salvation.

  • And brought back Adam to Paradise, with joy; gladness, and happiness; he and his sons who were captivity, to the joy once more.

  • Today the flags of salvation spread, the bodies and the spirits were renewed, and the believers won the clemency for retribution, and glorified God with praise and joy.

  • Today the daughter if David rejoiced, and the hearts of the righteous apostles became glad, when they announced to them the news, and what the heard from the pure angels.

  • That Jesus is risen, “ But He is not here as you see.” So the women went to His honored disciples and announced to them, the Resurrection of the Creator of all things.

  • And he appeared to His disciples and gave them joy, with delight they saw Him, in the glory of his divinity and they became happy, when they saw Him alive.

  • We praise and increase His exaltation, and confess the glory of His Resurrection, we thank Him for His great grace, for His mercy endures forever.

Hymn of the Resurrection

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  • Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and upon those who in the tombs bestowing life.

  • Glory to the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto, the ages of the ages. Amen.

When the Stone

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  • When the stone was sealed by the Jews and the soldiers were guarding your undefiled Body, You arose on the third day O Saviour, granting life to the world.

  • For this reason the heavenly powers cried out to you O Giver of Life.

  • Glory to Your Resurrection O Christ. Glory to Your Kingdom. Glory to Your economy, O You who alone are the Lover of Mankind.

We the Believers

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We the believers hymn and worship the Logos, without beginning with the Father and the Spirit, having been born of a virgin for our salvation, for he appeared in the flesh to ascend the Cross. He preserved unto the death and raised the dead through His glorious Resurrection.


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  • My Lord Jesus Christ, who rose from the dead on the third day, You shall raise us with Your power.

  • The cherubim and the seraphim, the angel and the archangels, the principalities and the authorities, the thrones, the dominions, and the powers,

  • Proclaiming and saying, “ Holy, Holy, O Lord of the ages, Christ is risen from the dead.”

Psalm Response

  • Alleluia, Alleluia. Jesus Christ. The King of Glory, rose from the dead, on the third day. Alleluia Alleluia

Gospel Response

  • Then He was placed in the tomb, according to the prophetic voices, on the third day, Christ, rose from the dead.

  • Alleluia (4) Jesus Christ, the King of Glory, rose from the dead.

  • This is He to whom is due glory: with His good Father: and the Holy Spirit: both now and forever.

Psalm 150 - Refrain

  • Jesus Christ, the King of Glory, is risen from the dead

All the Choirs - Kata Nikhoros (Communion)

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  • All the choirs and ranks of the heavenly and earthly, angels and men together singing joyfully.

  • For our Lord Jesus Christ, the true Lamb, is risen from the dead.


Verses of Cymbals

  • Christ our God, is risen from the dead, and has ascended into the heavens, and is seated at the right hand of His Father.

  • Hail to His Ascension, when He ascended to heaven, in glory and honor, He sat at the right hand of His Father.

  • He ascended to the heaven, of heavens towards the East, so that he may send to us the Paraclete, the Spirit of truth.

Acts Response

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  • Hail to His ascension, when He ascended into the heavens, in glory and honor, and is seated at the right hand of His Father.

He Bowed Heaven - Afrek Etve

  • He bowed heaven down and descended and a cloud was under His feet. He rode on the cherubim. He flew, He flew on the wings of winds.

  • May the heavens rejoice, may the earth be glad; may all groups of the Orthodox faith rejoice.

  • For Christ the Only-Begotten God, has ascended into the heavens.

Greek Hymn of the Ascension

  • Christ has ascended into heaven and sent the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, bestowing life to our souls.

  • Glory to the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto, the ages of the ages amen.


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  • My Lord Jesus Christ, who rose the dead, ascended into the heavens, and is seated at the right hand of His Father

  • The cherubim and the seraphim, the angels and the archangels, the principalities and the authorities the thrones the dominions and the powers.

  • Proclaiming and saying, “Holy, holy, holy, O Lord of the ages, Christ is risen from the dead.”

Psalm Response

  • Alleluia, Alleluia Christ is risen from the dead and has ascended into the heavens, and is seated at the right hand of His Father. Alleluia, Alleluia.

Gospel Response

  • Sing to the Lord a new song, declare His glory and wonders. Christ is risen from the dead and has ascended into the heavens.

  • The Lord came to Bethany, with His Holy Disciples, He raised His Hands and blessed them, He ascended to heavens.

  • Alleluia (4) Christ is risen from the dead and has ascended into the heavens.

Psalm 150 Refrain

  • Christ is risen from the dead and has ascended into the heavens.


Verses of Cymbals

  • Christ our God, is risen from the dead, and has ascended into the heavens, and sent us the comforter.

  • Hail to His ascension, when He ascended to heaven, He sent to us the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth.

  • The Spirit of comfort: came down from heaven: distributing upon each one: and they spoke in many tongues.

  • Hail to Michael: the great Archangel: The Announcer of salvation: of the Resurrection.

Coptic Hymn for Pentecost

  • Christ is risen from the dead and ascended into the heavens, and is seated at the right hand of His Father in the highest, He sent us the Paraclete, the Spirit of Truth bestowing upon our souls everlasting life.

Acts Response

  • Hail to His Ascension, in which He has ascended into the heavens, and has sent to us the Paraclete, the Spirit of truth.

  • Blessed are You indeed, with Your good Father and the Holy Spirit, for You have risen and saved us. Have mercy on us.

Hymn of the Holy Spirit

  • The Spirit of comfort: came down upon the apostles: on the feast of Pentecost: and they spoke in many tongues.

  • It came to pass: when the days of Pentecost were completed: that all twelve apostles: were gathered together.

  • The Spirit of Comfort came down from heaven: distributing upon each one: and they spoke in many tongues.

  • A great fear occurred: a voice from heaven; Christ’s disciples were gathered.

  • They appeared to them; like tongues of fire: and separated upon each one; of the honorable disciples.

  • The Holy Spirit: filled the twelve disciples: and they spoke in many tongues: by the command of the Holy Spirit.

  • To the end of ages, O the tongue of incense. To the end of ages, O tongue of gold, O the successor of Saint Mark the Apostle, Pope Abba (...) the archpriest.

Psalm Response

  • Alleluia, Alleluia. Christ is risen and has ascended; He sent to us the Paraclete, the Spirit of truth. Alleluia. Alleluia.

Gospel Response

  • He ascended into the heaven, or heavens towards the east, to send to us the Paraclete, the Spirit of truth.

  • Alleluia (4) Christ is risen and has ascended; He sent to us the Paraclete.

  • This is He to whom is due glory: with His good Father; and the Holy Spirit: both now and forever.

Psalm 150 Refrain

Christ is risen and has ascended; He sent to us the Paraclete.